【Paper Reading】Spatial Dimensions of Algorithmic Transparency: A Summary Title:Spatial Dimensions of Algorithmic Transparency: A Summary Related Authors: Corey Kewei Xu - HKUST(GZ) Fields: SDGs,Policy Keywords: Fairness, Ac… 2022-5-27 19:09 | 253| 学术&研究 780 字| 6 分钟 Corey Kewei XuHKUST(SZ)PolicySDGsSpatial Data
Theoretical Foundations of the SDGs|Global Business| Ownership|Multinational Enterprises|Transnational Corporation|Globalisation The purpose of this module is to explore the theoretical underpinnings of the SDGs and to further explore relevant business and social enterprise deve… 2022-4-17 17:06 | 2086| 学术&研究 1997 字| 17 分钟 GlobalisationMultinational EnterprisesSDGsTransnational Corporation