1994 年 2 月,有学者研究 Nasdag 市场做市商报价,通过对100个最大股票的分析,发现做市商避免采取1/8,3/8,5/8,7/8的报价。也就是说做市商的报价一般都是偶数,这实际就是将报价的Spread变成1/4(2/8)美元。
Christie W G, Schultz P H. Why do NASDAQ market makers avoid odd‐eighth quotes?[J]. The Journal of Finance, 1994, 49(5): 1813-1840.
The NASDAQ multiple dealer market is designed to produce narrow bid-ask spreads through the competition for order flow among individual dealers. However, we find that odd-eighth quotes are virtually nonexistent for 70 of 100 actively traded NASDAQ securities, including Apple Computer and Lotus Development. The lack of odd-eighth quotes cannot be explained by the negotiation hypothesis of Harris (1991), trading activity, or other variables thought to impact spreads. This result implies that the inside spread for a large number of NASDAQ stocks is at least $0.25 and raises the question of whether NASDAQ dealers implicitly collude to maintain wide spreads.
1997 Order Handling Rule
因此,1997年,美国出台了1997 Order Handling Rule:
- 要求 Nasdag 做市商必须在 30 秒内将无法成交的订单向ECN 市场公布
- 要求 ECN 市场报价与 Nasdag 市场报价接通
现在再去看Nasdag市场,自从2005 年 4 月,美国 SEC 通过了“全美市场系统修正案”(Regulation NMS)后,亚美分条例规定了微幅报价档位(minimum price variation, MVP)
- 对于买卖报价不低于一美元的股票,禁止市场参与者报出报价档位低于 0.01 美元的买卖报价,防止使用微幅报价进行限价单抢单(step-ahead)行为;
- 对于一美元报价以下的股票,最小报价单位为 0.0001 美元。)